Saturday 10 March 2012

Overlooking the Obvious

Yesterday I had a talk with my Psychologist and her supervisor joined us. This was an unexpected encounter that will probably decide the rest of my healing process! It was also a humbling experience. I am working on my behaviour, finding out how to set boundaries, say no etc. and I forget the obvious: I forgot to learn to plan!
Now here is a curious situation: The purpose of the sessions was to learn to plan and to learn how to communicate. I still can not plan for )(*^& and I have convinced both myself, and my psychologist that we are finished and I need to move on. This teaches me something: I make my money being a convincing adviser. Here is the downside: even if I am wrong I am still convincing :(.

Anyway I have some repair to do. Planning is a good idea: it provides a basis for discussing priorities with others. For me planning has a couple of difficulties:

  • as a business controller I need to depend on people that do not report to me to do my work for me, so I don't just plan for myself
  • because I am a specialist no one can set priorities for me. It is something I have to do myself (and yes, I do tend to over commit myself)
  • I really do not like going through lists when there is still so much work to do. That is why my attempt at David Allen failed last year 
LOL David Allen's website goes from Overwhelmed (#ADD/ #HSP/ #Gifted) to being Atlas, (condemned to forever to stand between his mother (the earth) and his father (the heaven) With my family history I can not say I find the prospect appealing.)

I have to solve this planning thing quickly so I can externalise part of my problems saying no and getting too involved in all kinds of unimportant stuff. To get it done I will implement a couple of principles straight from the Kathleen Nadeau and Judith Kolberg book mixed in with some Allen.
  • Paternplanning/ get a feel of the time I have got/ on a weekly basis
  • Making and prioritising a To Do list each day (boy I will hate that)
  • Find it within myself to overcome the inevitable problems connected to planning for me. I have not found any good coping strategies yet
I do know a little about planning. I wil have to update regularly to share how I am coping.


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